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The Essential Cervico Mold is a simplified version of the Cervico Premium Mold that works with the stock implant analogs available from the different implant companies.
As per the premium mold you can fabricate Cervico healing abutments and impression posts by utilizing one or two pieces prosthetic components, made out of titanium, or peek, or other suitable material as they come available by the implant companies.
The Essential mold incorporates wells with shapes that replicate the shape of the root trunk of different groups of teeth; a (anterior), p (premolars), m1 (lower molars), m2 (upper molars). Each shape is available in three sizes S (small), M (medium), L (large) and two options of symmetry: Centered (c) and off-centered (o).
E.g. m1Lc: Lower molar, Large size, centered m1Lo: Lower molar, Large size, off-centered
Each well presents on its frontal side a “tear” like extrusion. This extrusion functions as a reference mark for the buccal surface of the implant site.
During implant placement, ideally, the surgeon should orient the prosthetic connection of the implant buccally (e.g. flat seat of hex).
The same orientation of the prosthetic connection of the abutment or impression post into the silicone well of the mold must be applied as you can see in detail in the following instructional